Nikki Moses


Nikki Moses is a nutritional consultant in the Los Angeles area. She is trained in Nutritional Balancing Science, which is a form of nutritional body correction that utilizes a hair analysis to view a person’s unique body chemistry in order to then determine which exact combinations of nutrients are needed to correct it. This science was developed by Dr. Paul Eck and further developed by Lawrence Wilson, MD. Nikki trained directly under Dr. Wilson for eight years. She has taught this science to other practitioners and continues to work with hundreds of her own clients helping them to achieve their health goals — the natural way!

Krissi Moses


Krissi trained under Nikki Moses for four years before becoming certified in Nutritional Balancing Science herself. She is also trained in Morphogenic Field Technique. While Kristina has her own clients, she and Nikki still work conjointly with many clients as well.

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