If You Are Ready to Get Started…

Although we are in Los Angeles, we work with clients all over the country!

If you are in the Los Angeles area and want us to cut your hair sample and get you started, call us at (818) 745-9558 to schedule your sampling appointment, then follow the instructions here: How to Prepare for Your Hair Sampling Office Visit

If you are plan to mail your sample, please note the conditions we do not work with below before cutting your sample. If you don’t have any of those conditions and are ready to mail us your sample, follow the instructions here: How to Cut a Hair Sample for Analysis

Conditions We Do Not Work With:

Almost any condition can be improved to at least some degree with basic nutrition, specialized supplements, and healthy sleep, water, diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes. In fact, we have seen many almost miraculous turnarounds in people! Having said that, there are certain conditions that we DO NOT work with. Before you mail us your sample, it’s important to note if you have any conditions that we can not work with.

Active cancer – Cancer is a serious medical condition that can spread very quickly. If you have active cancer, you should seek out cancer specialists who can act specifically and aggressively on the cancer. Once the cancer is in remission, we can certainly help with your general well-being, alongside your cancer specialist.

Uncontrolled very high blood pressure – Uncontrolled very high blood pressure can be life-threatening. Our protocols can cause detox which can put additional strain on a system that is already on the verge of breaking, so a person’s blood pressure has to be out of the danger zone before we can work with them. We regularly work with people with moderately high blood pressure, or temporary spikes that come to normal range, and there are lots of things we can do to improve those conditions.

Uncontrolled and/or un-monitored severe mental illness – Detox and changes in body chemistry can cause existing mental illness to have temporary flares. This is not a threat for people who do not already have a mental illness, but for those who have a severe condition where a flare-up could result in injury to self or another, it is important to have someone monitored during a protocol like this.

Ready to change your health and life forever?

To get started now, Click Here!
For more information, call (818) 745-9558 or Email using the form below.