New Client Form

Please note: if you have a serious health condition such as cancer, Parkinson’s, an organ transplant, etc. please contact our office before proceeding to discuss whether this program is suitable for you.

New Client Information Form – for Adults, 18 years and over – If this is your first time doing a hair analysis with us, and you are 18 years or older, use this form (type your answers in and hit ‘Submit’).

New Client Information Form – Children and Adolescents under 18 Years – If this is your child’s first test with us, or if this is your first test and you are under 18 years, use this form (type your answers in and hit ‘Submit’).

Retest Form

Existing Client – Retest Information Form – If you have done a hair analysis with us before and this is a repeat hair analysis, type your answers into this form, and hit ‘Submit’ to electronically send your information to us.

Form to include with all mailed hair samples

Whether this is a first test or a repeat test, if you are mailing your hair sample to us, please print, fill out and INCLUDE THIS FORM WITH ALL HAIR SAMPLES MAILED TO US: Form to Mail with Your Hair Sample

If you are coming in person to have us cut your sample for you, you do not need this form.

Ready to change your health and life forever?

To get started now, Click Here!
For more information, call (818) 745-9558 or Email using the form below.