Stop Symptom Chasing
You are probably here because you don’t feel well. And we are probably correct in guessing that you have tried other things that haven’t worked to get you well. This is most likely because these other things were ADDRESSING SYMPTOMS ONLY. For example, you may have had a hormone test that shows low hormone levels. You say, “Aha! I don’t feel well because I have low hormone levels!”
But WHY are your hormone levels low?
You may go a step further and find out you have weak adrenals. “Aha! My hormones are low and I don’t feel well because I have weak adrenals!”
But WHY do you have weak adrenals?
Your body should be correcting these things. It has an amazing ability to adapt to stress. So why isn’t it?
Get to the Root Cause
The problem here is looking at individual body parts as separate from other body parts. This is false. Every part of the body affects every other part. The body is a chemical organism THAT WORKS AS A COMPLEX SYSTEM. It’s all about chemistry – down to the level of each and every cell. To understand why you don’t feel well, you need a means of looking at the body as a whole, of looking at the body’s chemistry, so you can find the ROOT CAUSE. That way, you will know exactly what to do to fix it. Once you know what nutrients the WHOLE body needs, in the EXACT COMBINATIONS that are correct for YOU, your body will be able to heal, often in astounding ways.
Forty years of research by a brilliant nutrition analyst named Paul Eck broke this field wide open and gave us Nutritional Balancing Science: a unique approach to nutrition which utilizes a hair mineral analysis to show us a blueprint of your body chemistry. Dr. Eck is not alive today, but his scientific breakthroughs are, and we at Moses Nutrition are dedicated to bringing this incredible science to you. And the beauty is, you can do this from anywhere in the country!
Going Beyond Symptoms
We are very toxic today, and we are very deficient in the correct nutrients. Combine these problems, and the proper chemical reactions in the body can’t happen the way they should. Breakdowns start to occur and then we begin to get symptoms: Headaches, Hair loss, Anemia, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), Chronic or recurring infections, Brain fog (inability to think clearly), Multiple chemical sensitivities, and so on….
If you try to address any one of these symptoms as separate from the whole body, you likely won’t get very far. Most of the people who come to us have struggled with the “symptom approach” for years, but with our whole-body program, they finally get the results they’ve been striving for.
Once you know and provide the EXACT NUTRIENTS your WHOLE body needs in the EXACT COMBINATIONS to properly balance your BODY CHEMISTRY, your body starts to heal itself! Toxic metals and chemicals are removed naturally and safely, organs repair, cells can make more energy and symptoms start disappearing.
You Can Get Well!
We know this program works. We see the results every day. Your body was born with all of the necessary programming to heal itself. It just needs the correct nutrients in the proper combination so that your cells can get to work repairing and regenerating.
This website has a lot of information for you to read through in order to fully understand our approach, including Articles, Video Tutorials, and Questions and Answers, so please enjoy. And please feel free to call or email us with any questions you have.
We want you to get well – it can be done!
Get to the root of the problem. Start today!