(If you are mailing your sample, use these instructions instead: How To Cut A Hair Sample)
If you are ready to have us cut your first hair sample and get started, call us at (818) 745-9558 or email us, and we’ll be happy to get you scheduled! Please read the instructions below AT LEAST 24 hours BEFORE your appointment. It is important to follow the instructions closely for an accurate test result. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions at all. (Click here to see current pricing.)
To prepare for your office appointment, follow the steps below.
Step 1: The client form.
If this is your first time doing a hair analysis with us, fill out either the New Client Form – for Adults, 18 years and over, or the New Client Form – for Children and Adolescents under 18 Years.
If you have done a hair analysis with us before and this is a repeat hair analysis, fill out the Repeat Hair Analysis Form.
Step 2: Wash your hair at least 4 hours but no longer than 24 hours before your appointment.
For example, if your appointment is at noon on Friday, wash your hair no later than 8:00 a.m. on Friday, or wash it the night before (on Thursday night). Wash your hair with a regular shampoo. Do not use dandruff shampoos as they often contain minerals which may alter the test results. For example, Head and Shoulders Shampoo contains zinc which could elevate the zinc reading, and Selsun Blue Shampoo contains selenium which can elevate this reading.
For best results, avoid using conditioners before coming in. Do not place other products on your hair such as leave-in conditioners, hair gel, hair cream, hair spray or others until after we’ve cut the hair sample.

IF YOU USE DANDRUFF SHAMPOO – Wash your hair at least three times with regular shampoo before your sampling appointment. This can be three times in a row in the same shower or bath session, or it can be several days apart, as long as it is consecutive. Dandruff shampoos often contain minerals which may alter the results. For example, Head and Shoulders Shampoo contains zinc which could elevate the zinc reading, and Selsun Blue Shampoo contains selenium which can elevate this reading.
IF YOU HAVE A WATER SOFTENER – Wash your hair at least three times in a row with spring water or another un-softened water before your sampling appointment. This can be three times in a row in the same shower or bath session, or it can be several days apart, as long as it is consecutive. Do not allow the softened water to get on your hair between, during or after washings. Once we have cut the sample, you may return to using your regular softened water. How do I know if I have a water softener?
IF YOU TAKE MAGNESIUM SALT OR EPSOM SALT BATHS – Before your sampling appointment, wash your hair at least three times after your last Epsom salt or magnesium salt bath, as any magnesium (or other minerals) left on your hair will alter the test.
IF YOU DYE, HIGHLIGHT, BLEACH OR PERM YOUR HAIR – Either have us cut the hair sample before a treatment, or after you have washed the hair five or more times after a treatment. Additionally, it is best to wait at least 3 weeks after treatment, to allow your hair to re-balance.
Step 3: After washing your hair…
In the 4 to 24 hours between the time you wash your hair and your hair sampling appointment, avoid any activity which will cause you to sweat excessively before we cut your sample, as this may affect the hair analysis results. Hair needs to be dry when sampling, so avoid putting wet hair in hats, pony tails or any other style that will prevent the hair from drying by your appointment time.