Hair Mineral Analysis and Nutritional Balancing

Thank you for your interest in hair mineral analysis and a Nutritional Balancing program. We believe it is one of the most advanced types of nutritional programs available today. This unique approach for addressing nutritional imbalances and correcting body chemistry is exceptionally accurate and powerful in restoring the body’s ability to heal itself of many conditions.

The program is set up to balance the body chemistry, first and foremost. It is designed to remove toxic metals and thousands of toxic chemicals, as well, by gently and safely replacing them with vital nutrient minerals.

By restoring the body’s innate healing power, future health conditions can also be prevented. Many people have latent or hidden conditions they are unaware of because obvious symptoms have not presented yet or because the condition is in its early stages. As the body’s chemistry is balanced, the body will have the energy and resources to correct these conditions on its own.

We make no claims for this program because each person’s situation is unique. This same uniqueness is also why a properly performed and correctly interpreted hair mineral analysis is so critical. We would never want to recommend diets, supplements or other procedures without one, since each person has his or her own unique requirements. Our hair mineral analysis shows us what these unique requirements are.

First Hair Analysis

Price is $365

After having studied the progress of over 1000 clients, we have developed a system to tailor the delivery of the program to each individual over a series of steps and consultations, all included with the initial test fee. Over the years, we have discovered that not only is each person unique in which supplements and diet he or she needs, but each person is also unique in how he or she should work into the supplements, diet and other changes. We will guide you on your healing journey gradually over a series of steps, each tailored to you and at a pace suitable to you. We will make adjustments as needed to keep you progressing at the optimum rate.

At the lab, your hair is screened for 21 nutritive and toxic minerals. Once your lab results are sent back to us (in about fourteen days), we will review your hair results and design a comprehensive custom Nutritional Balancing Program for you, which will include an individualized diet, specific nutritional supplement recommendations designed around your individual body chemistry, and recommendations for lifestyle modifications and detoxification protocols. We will then provide a detailed, personalized consultation for you explaining your program recommendations and how to understand your results. This can be done in person, or by phone or SKYPE. The first part of this consultation will be to go over the test graph so that you understand it. We will then discuss more details with you and how your test results relate to your symptoms. You will also receive a packet of written materials that provide additional information relating to the hair mineral analysis and a detailed description of your healing program.

Each initial test fee includes the hair lab test, written materials giving you more information about your test results, an additional Interpretive Report from the laboratory, and a total of 2 hours of consultation. The 2 hours of consultation is typically broken up into a  series of consultations as follows.

Office Consultations typically begin with a 30-minute Starting Recommendations appointment so we can get you moving while we wait for your test results, followed by a 1-hour Test Results Consultation and then one more 30-minute follow-up consultation.

Phone Consultations do not typically allow for Starting Recommendations.  The first appointment is usually the 1-hour Test Results Consultation, and two 30-minute follow-up consultations.

By the end of these consultations, most people have worked fully onto their supplements and can move forward with less consultation, but everyone needs help along the way, so additional consultations will likely be recommended periodically. And you may schedule a phone or office appointment any time you like if you need help with anything.

Additionally, on a Nutritional Balancing Program, you will experiences various changes and will likely have questions so it is important to stay in touch! Both Krissi and Nikki are available for phone and/or email consultation and in-office consultation (which may include muscle testing and other techniques).

FOR CHILDREN OF CLIENTS - Child (17 and under) of someone already on a nutrition program with us – $325 for same services above.

Repeat Hair Analysis

Price is $165*

Repeat hair analyses are usually recommended every 3-6 months. This is because your body chemistry will start to change as you do the program. The repeat hair analyses are a vital tool to track these changes as they occur so that we can adjust your program and change your supplements as needed in accordance with changes occurring in your body chemistry. It is actually quite a fascinating process.

A repeat hair analysis includes an email with your new test results, written notes about what your test means, and a 30-minute consultation to review your test results, changes to your protocol, and any other questions you have.

*Repeat Hair Analyses are $265 Full Price but discounted to $165 for those purchasing protocol supplements from Moses Nutrition directly, and not from another third party. Most people qualify for the discount Repeat Hair Analysis price, but you may contact us if you are not sure.

For Retests Only: For an additional $30, we can order an additional Laboratory Interpretive Report printed by Analytical Research Labs. You can see an example of that report here: Interpretive Report

Already Have a Hair Analysis

Price is $290

If you have already hair analysis results from within the last year (from either Analytical Research Labs or Trace Elements), we can do an interpretation and consultation. The Interpretation fee includes written materials giving you more information about your test results and a total of 2 hours of consultation. The 2 hours of consultation is typically broken up into, a 1-hour Test Results Consultation, and then follow-up consultation as needed after that.

Additional Consultation

Price is $75 per half hour

Additional consultation is billed by the actual time used at a rate of $2.50 per minute.  So if you book a 30-minute appointment but only use 20 minutes, you will only be billed for 20 minutes, and if you run long and use 40 minutes, you will be billed for 40 minutes, despite having only booked a 30-minute appointment.  Please note that it often happens as the relationship builds between consultants and clients that friendly conversation gets mixed into the appointment time.  We actually stop the clock for those conversations and only bill for nutrition-related consultation.

In-Office Consultation

Nikki and Krissi also utilize two advanced systems of muscle testing: Nutrition Response Testing and Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT). Some people prefer to start their health program by coming in and receiving a muscle test screening for any problem foods or other stressors that can be addressed with nutrition support in conjunction with or while waiting for their hair analysis results. This is recommended for those who live locally or if one is visiting the Los Angeles area. But the Nutritional Balancing program is very effective on its own, so do not worry if you are unable to come in. An in-office visit can also be very helpful for local clients while on their programs if one is having difficulty on the program or for various techniques that can speed progress. Please call (818) 745-9558 or email us to schedule your appointment, or click here to use our online scheduling.

Phone and E-mail Consultation

If you need assistance and are unable to come to our office for a consultation, we are available by phone or email as well. You can call (818) 745-9558 or click here to use our online scheduling. If the topic is complex, a scheduled phone consultation is usually best. For quick questions, there is no need to schedule; you may just call us or email your practitioner.

Many clients have frequent, brief calls and emails, which are tallied and billed at the end of each month.

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