What We Do
Although we are located in the Los Angeles area, we work with people all over the country!
We specialize in creating supplement and dietary protocols that are personalized to a person’s body chemistry. These protocols help people improve their general health, increase energy and vitality, detoxify, lose weight, look younger, and more.
We use a hair mineral analysis (aka “hair test”) to give us a comprehensive “snapshot” of your body’s chemistry. This allows us to identify exactly what nutrients you need and in what quantity, as well as what diet would be best to optimize your internal energy production! This unique approach for addressing nutritional imbalances and correcting body chemistry is exceptionally accurate and powerful in restoring the body’s ability to heal itself from many conditions.
By restoring the body’s innate healing power, future health conditions can also be prevented.
Many people have latent or hidden conditions they are unaware of because obvious symptoms have not presented yet or because the condition is in its early stages. As the body’s chemistry is balanced, the body will have the energy and resources to correct these conditions on its own. Additionally, our protocols are designed to remove toxic metals and thousands of toxic chemicals by gently and safely replacing them with vital nutrient minerals.
We make no claims for this program because each person’s situation is unique. This same uniqueness is also why a properly performed and correctly interpreted hair mineral analysis is so critical. We would never want to recommend diets, supplements or other procedures without one, since each person has his or her own unique requirements. Our hair mineral analysis shows us what these unique requirements are.
Why Hair Mineral Analysis?
Hair Mineral Analysis is a way of seeing your average body chemistry over an extended period of time (preferably 2-3 months). This is important because your body fluctuates on a minute-to-minute, day-to-day, and even week-to-week basis, depending on your stress, diet, sleep, exercise and other factors. For the same reason, a Hair Mineral Analysis will often show different results than blood and urine tests: blood and urine tests can show almost instantaneous changes that may only last for a short time, but the hair shows long-term changes.
Additionally, maintaining certain values in the blood is so important in keeping a body alive, that the body will often sacrifice other tissues in order to maintain balances in the blood. Therefore the hair will show what is missed in blood tests.
Typical tests such as blood and urine are excellent for many purposes, such as to determine the presence or absence of cells, but do not provide the same information given by hair analysis for the following reasons: a) Mineral levels in the hair are about ten times that of blood, making them easy to detect and measure accurately, b) Mineral levels are kept relatively constant in the blood even when pathology is present (often at the expense of other tissues) and therefore the blood does not always accurately reflect existing mineral deficiencies and excesses, c) Toxic metals are not found in high concentrations in the blood except right after an acute exposure. However, some of them tend to accumulate in the soft tissues (such as hair), where they are far easier to detect and measure accurately, and d) Blood tests can vary significantly from hour to hour depending upon one’s diet, activity level, the time of day and many other factors.
Additionally, hair makes an excellent analysis material because: 1) sampling is simple and non-invasive, 2) since hair is a stable material that requires no special handling, samples may be sent via standard mail, therefore allowing hair analysis to be performed entirely from the comfort of one’s own home, and 3) it’s cost-effective!
Hair mineral analyses are not medical tests. They are screening tests only and do not diagnose disease. However, a properly performed and interpreted hair analysis can reveal various mineral imbalances that indicate a tendency for various conditions. All of the mineral levels as a whole give a trained and experienced practitioner an idea of the condition of the various organs and the body as a whole. Further, the analysis provides the practitioner a picture of the state of body chemistry, stage of stress, various toxic metals, nutrient deficiencies, etc.
What Does a Nutrition Program Involve?
A total program always works best and includes recommendations and protocols for:
To read an introduction to each of these factors, see Program Overview