Warning: The information on this site is intended for educational purposes only. Any recommendations are intended for individuals engaged in a Nutritional Balancing Program who are being overseen by Nikki Moses. No claims are made for any procedures described here. Nor are these procedures intended as treatments or prescriptions for any disease or condition. However, most people find them very simple, effective and safe when used as described here.

Article: Near-Infrared Sauna Therapy
Article: Converting A Shower Into A Sauna and helpful image: Converting a Shower

All About Near Infrared Saunas – Interview with Nikki Moses

For an audio-only mp3 version of the above recording, click here

Frequently Asked Questions About Near-Infrared Saunas

Q: Will I be required to do saunas on this program?
No, saunas are completely optional. We recommend them because we find that they speed healing and detoxification. They have many other health benefits, as well.

Q: Are there any conditions where saunas are not recommended?
For some people with rosacea, the sauna can aggravate the condition. We usually recommend that people with rosacea test their response to saunas by using one at a friend’s house or gym, before investing in one for themselves. Anyone with active skin cancer should not use an infrared lamp sauna.

Q: Why is a near-infrared lamp (heat lamp) sauna better than other types of saunas?
Traditional saunas have to run at much higher temperatures and are therefore typically more uncomfortable to stay in for any period of time. Additionally, the heat from a traditional sauna takes longer to penetrate deep into the body tissues.

Far-infrared saunas typically use more electricity and therefore operate at a higher cost and also expose you to more EMF’s (Electro-Magnetic Fields).

The near-infrared lamp sauna penetrates more deeply (and more quickly), runs at a lower temperature, produces lower amounts of EMF’s, operates at a lower cost, and provides color therapy due to the red bulbs.

All saunas have therapeutic value, and one may easily add one or more near-infrared lamps to a traditional or far-infrared sauna. Do not add lamps to a steam sauna or other environment with a lot of moisture. We do not recommend steam saunas in general.

Q: How long should I stay in the sauna? And how often?
Everyone’s body is different and everyone has a different heat tolerance. For example, Fast Oxidizers generally sweat more easily and do not tolerate heat as well as Slow Oxidizers. Fast Oxidizers need to start with a maximum of 3 sauna sessions per week and can then slowly work up to daily saunas. Slow Oxidizers can usually tolerate starting with daily saunas. The body does acclimate to the sauna over time, allowing one to increase their time in the sauna. Additionally, a person’s heat tolerance may shift at various times on the program due to biochemical changes, so one may have to temporarily adjust their sauna time.

The most important factor is how comfortable one is in the sauna. If you get very uncomfortable, it is too long a sauna session for that day. Though saunas are optional, if one wishes to do saunas it’s best to start with one short sauna (up to 20 minutes) daily if desired, or at most 3 times per week if one is a Fast Oxidizer. As desired (and as is comfortable), one may then slowly work up over a period of days or weeks to 40 minutes at the most in one session or two 20 minute saunas in one day (which you choose is up to you). One can then work up to two 40 minute saunas per day unless instructed otherwise (see exceptions below).

There is no daily or weekly requirement for saunas. Any amount you do will be beneficial. Generally, the more often you do them and the more time you spend in the sauna, the faster your results. But the most we typically recommend is up to twice per day, for up to 40 minutes each sauna session. If dealing with an infection flare-up, shorter saunas are usually best (up to 15 minutes each) and may be done up to 6 times per day. If going through a large detoxification reaction, saunas may be very short (5 minutes) or stopped altogether during the reaction, and resumed after it has settled. People in a Four Lows pattern should limit sauna time to a total of 40 minutes per day.

If you start feeling faint in the sauna, do not be afraid, but immediately get out of the sauna and lay down until it passes. Some people are very sensitive and can only spend 5 minutes at a time in the sauna. This is fine, and one is still receiving benefit with these short saunas (over time these people usually tolerate the sauna better and can increase their sauna sessions). Children and frail (or very ill) adults should be supervised while in the sauna.

Q: Is it okay to drink water while in the sauna?
Yes! In fact, it’s important to drink 8-16 ounces of distilled or natural spring water before or during a sauna so that you don’t become dehydrated while in the sauna.

Q: Where can I purchase a sauna light unit?
Affordable and well-built 3-light saunas are available at heatlampsaunas.com. The units are $549.00 and include free shipping. If you are a client of Moses Nutrition, call or email us to get a coupon code to that you can use on that site to receive a discount.

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