© Moses Nutrition November 2013
Revised Dec 2024
It is not news that there have been some very strong respiratory viruses going around for the last several years. In this article, we are going to cover prevention as well as what to do if you come down with a respiratory illness.
Prevention is probably the most valuable thing you can do. We recommend these techniques all year round, but particularly during “cold and flu season.” Below are the two strategies for preventing respiratory (and other) illnesses.
Strategy One, keep your immune system strong. A strong immune system can fight off an infection before you even get a symptom.
- Avoid all sugar (including fruit) and alcohol. Sugar and alcohol weaken the immune system. Additionally, sugar directly feeds infection. Avoid overloading on carbs, as this is essentially the same as eating sugar.
- Stay well-rested so that your immune system has the energy it needs to function well.
- Avoid stressful situations, since the immune system is weakened during emotional or mental stress.
- Include garlic cloves in your diet (unless you are allergic or we have advised you otherwise). Garlic is antiviral, naturally blood thinning, and also helps to modulate the immune system to avoid over-reactions in the immune system (it decreases cytokines).
- Ginger is another powerful antiviral herb. Use it in your cooking, or try it in tea such as Chai Immune Tea.
- Supplements: Stay on your supplement protocol for whole-body support. The following supplements are usually on our normal protocols: Vitamin D (5000 IU or 125 mcg per day), iodine such as Kelp, Prolamine Iodine, or Thyro Complex (doses vary), Paramin (3 or more per day) or some form of calcium, Zinc such as Zinc, Endo-Pan or Limcomin (doses vary but people not on a protocol with us should take 25 mg of zinc daily). Additionally, Echinacea Premium (2 per day) from MediHerb and Epimune Complex (2 per day) from Standard Process can significantly boost the immune system during “cold and flu season”. (Note that zinc and Vitamin D are two of the most important nutrients for the immune system. They both require time to build up and be effective in the body. Echinacea and Epimune Complex additionally need at least a 2-week runway. Ideally start taking all of these well-before “cold and flu season.”)
- Stay warm and don’t breathe cold air. The most important thing to do in cold weather is to keep your face (particularly your nose) warm and avoid breathing cold air. Most respiratory viruses make their home in the sinuses before spreading to the rest of the body. Letting your nose get cold for just 15 minutes actually reduces the immune response there by up to 42%! So clean face coverings, such as scarves, are important during cold weather. This is an excellent article about how the sinuses fight infection (and how cold noses make you susceptible): Why Upper Respiratory Infections Are More Common in Colder Temperatures It’s also generally a good idea not to let your body temperature get too low, as it leaches energy from your immune system. Plus it’s just uncomfortable, and nobody wants that.
Strategy Two, avoid, remove or destroy viruses before they get you sick. The below can be done daily during “cold and flu season”, but are particularly important immediately after you have been indoors with lots of people, or around anyone who is ill.
- Wash your hands frequently and especially before eating. Avoid touching your face.
- Avoid being around people who are exhibiting symptoms of illness. If you must be around a sick person, wear an antiviral mask (available at most drug stores).
- Use antiviral sinus sprays. Antiviral sinus sprays kill the viruses before they get a chance to embed in the sinuses. Our favorite antiviral sinus spray is Sinus Relief by Nature’s Rite which we carry. You want to snort a little into each nostril, just enough that a tiny bit starts to run down the back of your throat.
- If you don’t have sinus sprays, do sinus flushes with hydrogen peroxide/saline. The formula is 1 part hydrogen peroxide and 5 parts saline (or filtered water if you are in a pinch). (Information about making saline can be found here: Saline.) This is best with a Neti Pot. Ideally the solution should be body temperature as it can irritate the sinuses if it’s cold. You only need to let it run through your sinuses for a count of about 3 seconds.Alternatively, you can snort smaller amounts into each nostril off the edge of a clean plate, or from your clean hand. In this case, you want to get just enough that it runs down the back of your throat. Don’t inhale so much that you choke on it!
- Nebulize – A nebulizer is a device that makes liquids into a fine mist so it can be inhaled. You can use nebulizers daily for prevention, or several times per day if you get sick. Nebulizers allow you to get solution throughout the entire respiratory system. Full instructions on nebulizers can be found here: Nebulizers Note that if you are nebulizing, you want to separate any other sinuses rinses or flushes by at least 30 minutes.
- Breathe steam with essential oils. Put one drop of an essential oil in a pot with filtered water
and breathe the steam (particularly through the nose) for several minutes every night. Both the heat from the steam and the essential oils can kill viruses in the sinuses. If you are out and about and it gets cold, order some hot herbal tea and breathe the steam. - Use herbal antiviral mouth oils, sprays and washes. Although most respiratory infections start in the sinuses, they can also travel from the mouth to the sinuses. There are many options to kill bugs in the mouth, such as essential oil blends like OraRestore Oil by Great Oral Health and WO China Healing Oil by Systemic Formulas. (Essential oils can be very strong, so only a few drops are needed.) There is also the Herbal Throat Spray by MediHerb. There are also herbal mouthwashes on the market. All of these are good options. Just make sure you leave it in your mouth for 30 seconds before you swallow or rinse. As a bonus, these tend to leave your breathe smelling really nice too!
Once Symptoms of Respiratory Illness Start…
Please note: we are NOT doctors. This is NOT medical advice. Please always seek proper medical attention whenever needed. The recommendations below are for immune support only. We do not claim to cure any diseases.
At the first sign of illness, start on the items in Strategy 2 above, specifically the sinus rinses (or sinus flushes), nebulizer and breathing steam with essential oils. Also start on supplements below immediately.
Viranon – Infection dose is 6 per day. As the name suggests, this is excellent during viral infection. It contains St. John’s Wort, Licorice and Thuja.
Andrographis Complex – Infection dose is 6 per day. These are immune support herbs that boost the immune system and are fantastic during infection. This product contains Echinacea, Andrographis and other herbs. (If you have Echinacea at home already, take 4 per day until you get Andrographis.)
Artemisinin Forte – Infection dose is 6 per day for 5 days only. After 5 days, you need to stop for at least 7 days. This herb is not only antiviral, it has been shown to fight bacteria, fungus, some parasites, and even destroy some types of cancer cells.
Banderol – Infection dose is 15 to 30 drops in 4 oz of spring water (not distilled or RO-filtered water) twice daily. (Wait one minute before drinking it.) This herb has primarily been used for Lyme disease, but we have found it to generally speed recovery from this virus quite impressively.
Black Cumin Seed Forte – Infection dose is 2 per day. Particularly effective against this virus. Studies have shown this herb binds to the spike protein, and possibly also to the ACE2 receptors in the heart and lungs, thereby protecting them from the virus. There are also indications this herb can help prevent cytokine storms (over-reactions of the immune system). This herb also has numerous other published studies on a multitude of other health issues it benefits.
Silver 24 – Infection dose is 3 Tbs. per day in water and sipped throughout the day. This is always a great immune product since it has been shown to have anti-microbial affects against almost any type of infection. We actually recommend every household have a bottle of this on-hand. It has no taste so is easy to give to children and pets, too.
Continue your iodine (Kelp, Thyro Complex, etc.). If you are nebulizing with iodine, discontinue iodine supplements.
Continue your Paramin or other calcium.
Continue your Vitamin D.
EPA-DHA – increase to 1,500mg or more combined EPA and DHA per day.
Zinc – If you are on Limcomin, you may increase up to 12 per day to help with infection. If you are on Zinc, increase to 4 per day. If you are not on a program with us, take 75 mg of Zinc per day.
You may stop most other supplements on your normal protocol, other than digestive aids if needed. B vitamins, multi vitamins, etc. are not as needed during infection.
Other Immune Herbs – Any immune supplements or herbs you have there will be supportive, so start on whatever you have available. These include Olive Leaf Extract, Oregano Oil,
Rest and Recovery:
The key is to rest, rest, rest. You need to rest from the very beginning of symptoms. If you do not rest, the infection can settle into the body and take longer to go away. This is especially important with the flu, which if not cared for properly, can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia from a secondary bacterial infection that can follow the initial viral component. So ideally rest for at least a couple of days, and more if it is an intense flu. And remember that you are contagious, so going to work or school exposes others, too. If you must be around people, wear an antiviral mask. A person with a cold is usually contagious for the first 2 or 3 days of the cold. And according to the CDC, a person with the flu can be contagious for up to 7 days after symptoms of the flu begin (even longer for children). For more on this, you may visit the CDC webpage: http://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/disease/spread.htm
Heat Therapy, Saunas, Single Heat Lamp:
Heat helps to prevent viruses from replicating. It is also soothing and healing in other ways. Stay warm while dealing with viral infections. If you have a sauna, use it frequently to help disable the viruses. When fighting infection, one should do short saunas (10-15 minutes each) up to 5 or 6 times per day. A single heat lamp is also very helpful. It can be aimed at the throat, lungs, ears and sinuses for relief. You may use a single heat lamp anywhere on the body for up to 1 hour per use. If using on the sinuses or anywhere on the head, limit to 10 minutes per use. You may use the single heat lamp multiple times per day. If you do not have a sauna or single heat lamp, we do carry these, so please feel free to contact us, and we’ll send you one.
Continue to avoid all sugar. Eat lightly and stay hydrated. Easy-to-digest foods are best such as soups, whole grains, yogurt, only a little meat, and of course, plenty of cooked vegetables.
Coffee enemas:
These are great to continue while dealing with any illness. Fighting infection creates a lot of debris in the body that has to be processed by the liver. The coffee enemas aid the liver in cleansing the body of these toxic residues.
You may continue taking all of your regular supplements, but reduce the doses to one-third of normal doses (for any supplements you take only one of per day, continue at that dose). The exceptions to this are Limcomin and Paramin (or Calcium or MCHC if you are on these). If your program includes Limcomin, it should be doubled (do not exceed 18 per day). For example, if you normally take 6 per day of Limcomin, increase this to 12 per day. Limcomin is very supportive of the immune system. Paramin (or Calcium or MCHC if you are on these) is also very helpful to the immune system so take at least 2 per day while ill.
Other supplements that may help which anyone can take:
Endo-AC (Endo-met carries this and so does our office, so you can pick it up, or we can ship it to you as needed). This is a balanced blend of vitamins A and C, and also includes bioflavonoids. Adults may add up to 15 Endo-AC per day and less for children until the flu or cold symptoms are gone.
Silver 24 is also very supportive. This is a colloidal silver product also available to be picked up or shipped from our office. It is the best colloidal silver I have found. Adults take 3 Tbs. and add to 8-16 ounces of water and sip throughout the day (do this for 7 days in a row only; after 7 days, come off of the silver). Children can take proportionally less (use their body weight as a guide — an adult weight is 120+ pounds — so a 60 pound child can take 1.5 Tbs. daily). You can also sniff Live Silver into your sinuses for infection in the sinuses. To do so, just put a small amount in the palm of your hand, hold up to one nostril and breathe in through your nose, then repeat on the other nostril.
In fact, Endo-AC and Silver 24 are products I recommend all clients have on-hand to be used for most infections whether they occur as healing reactions or by contagion. Endo-AC is also something I may recommend for you at times for things like allergies, easy bruising, mercury-detox symptoms, etc. So it is usually a good idea to have these 2 products on-hand while on this program so that if you need them at any time, you don’t have to wait to receive them in the mail. If you would like us to send you some of these items, you may call our office or email us.
You may also add some Propolis from any health food store. About 6 capsules per day for adults (less for children) may be helpful.
Homeopathic remedies are fine to try if your symptoms persist, especially if you have some homeopathic remedies you know have worked for you on similar symptoms in the past.
Do not add any other remedies than those mentioned above without running them by me first. Some are toxic, and some may unbalance your body chemistry. Again, rest is the most important thing.
Pulse Oximeter – These inexpensive devices will show your heart rate and level of oxygenation. During respiratory infection, make sure your blood oxygen doesn’t go too low (an internet search will show you optimum oxygen levels). When testing, make sure your hands are warm and that your arm isn’t elevated or in a weird position that cuts off circulation. The right thumb and right middle finger usually give the best readings, though you may have to try multiple fingers to get a proper reading. Pulse Oximeters will not likely work if you have nail polish.
Thermometer – any thermometer will do. Again test your temperature during non-illness to get a baseline. (Note: it is normal for the temperature to be lower in the morning and increase during the day.)
Over-the-counter cold and flu medications – These are drug store items such as medicated decongestants and NyQuil. Remember that these are full of toxic chemicals. Additionally, most work by inhibiting the immune response. A runny nose is the immune system at work, so is a fever. So it is best to let these things run their course if possible.
Tamiflu – This is a prescription antiviral medication that is designed for use in certain types of flu. Its effectiveness is debated, and it has many possible side effects (known as adverse drug reactions) including nausea, diarrhea, headaches, hepatitis and rash. There have been reports of even more severe reactions such as seizures, hallucinations, and abnormal behavior. It is therefore, in my opinion, best avoided.
Antibiotics – These are designed to be used for bacterial infections, so they do not work to fight off cold and flu viruses. Some cases of flu result in a secondary bacterial infection, in which case, antibiotics may be effective. But due to the side effects of antibiotics, this should be a last resort; ideally one should rest and care for oneself properly so that the body can fight off the viruses and bacteria on its own. One problem I have seen is that doctors will sometimes prescribe an antibiotic based on symptoms alone before verifying that the infection is indeed bacterial. So be careful to verify the need for an antibiotic before taking one. Remember that the body can fight off bacteria on its own, so antibiotics are often unnecessary even in bacterial infections.
Flu Shots – Not only does the flu vaccine have varying degrees of efficacy, there are reports that indicate vaccinations can make one more susceptible to illness in some cases. There are also reports of alarming potential side effects of flu vaccines through the years. Here are just a few examples:
Canadian study finds flu shot could increase risk of getting sick: https://globalnews.ca/news/1804162/canadian-study-finds-flu-shot-could-increase-risk-of-getting-sick/
Assessment of temporally-related acute respiratory illness following influenza vaccination: https://www.infectiousdiseaseadvisor.com/home/topics/respiratory/influenza/increased-risk-for-acute-respiratory-illness-following-influenza-vaccine-in-children/
Association of spontaneous abortion with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine containing H1N1pdm09 in 2010-11 and 2011-12: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28917295/
Seasonal influenza vaccine and increased risk of pandemic A/H1N1‐related illness: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20887210/
I personally do not get flu shots and never will. We recommend you research more before you make up your mind for yourself.
Rubbing the Feet – This favorite standby is good for almost any reaction one can encounter, so rub, rub, rub. The nerves in the feet run to all organs of the body. As you rub the pressure points on the feet and toes, it brings relief of tension in those organs.
Hydrogen Peroxide Baths – These can help with almost any kind of infection and are easy to do. Fill a tub with very warm water (as you would a normal bath) and add one gallon of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the water, or you may use 1.5 to 2 cups of food grade 35% hydrogen peroxide. Then soak for as long as you like. You will see little bubbles on your skin from the hydrogen peroxide. If you feel any burning anywhere (which shouldn’t occur at the concentrations recommended here), you have used too much peroxide. Simply get out and wash yourself off in the shower. If you have an uncomfortably high fever, use cooler water. For some people, the hydrogen peroxide can be energizing, so if you find these baths give you energy, try not to do them right before bed.
Please note: 35% hydrogen peroxide is very corrosive so be very careful when handling it. For example, it can bleach and burn through clothing. Never let the concentrated product touch your eyes or skin, if possible. It is best to measure it out with a glass measuring cup, not a plastic one. Be sure to replace the cap firmly on the container so it will not spill if it falls over, and store it away from young children.
Fever – Fever can occur and is a normal part of the body’s immune response. A fever of 103 or below is usually not a danger to the body. You may use cool cloths on the head as needed for comfort, and contact me should the fever last more than a few days. A fever over 103 should be dealt with immediately. You may try putting the person in a bath with the water at body temperature which you then allow to cool to room temperature while the person is lying in it. Extra Paramin or Calcium may help bring a fever down. Adults can do a coffee enema, which often will bring a fever down very quickly. And, of course, seek medical attention if you are unable to reduce a fever over 103.
Cough – One of the best remedies for a cough is steam. The steam helps to break down mucus so that the lungs can expel it. You may use a tea kettle, pan, or a hot shower. Doing this multiple times per day is usually best. A humidifier may also be helpful. You may also use cough drops such as Ricola or Halls for relief of cough and sore throat. Topical gels such as Vicks Vapo-rub are also fine to use. A single heat lamp aimed at the lungs (upper chest and upper back) can be very helpful for a cough. A hot pad placed over the lungs works similarly in this regard. If the cough becomes persistent or very intense, please contact me.
Avoid hard blowing of the nose. This can actually push mucus deeper into the sinuses and spread the infection. So blow your nose lightly.
The human body is designed to fight off viruses and other infections such as bacteria. So realize that your body can handle a cold or flu if you give it the proper rest it needs.
If you run into trouble dealing with a cold or flu, or if you have any questions about your symptoms or how to deal with them, please feel free to schedule a phone consultation with me or simply call our office to reach me if it is urgent. You may email us, as well. If symptoms become severe, of course, seek immediate medical treatment.
Healing Reaction or Cold?
The good news is that the above recommendations are good for almost all infection reactions, including a healing reaction where the body is clearing out an old infection. But if you are unsure and want our advice on your particular symptoms, call or email us.
Concurrent Healing Reaction and Cold/Flu:
There is a subject in healing which is gaining greater and greater recognition called Hormesis. The idea is that when the body’s immune system or other stress-response systems are activated to handle one stressor (such as a flu or cold virus), these same response systems in the body may also scavenge out and fix other toxins, infections, and stress already existing in the body.
Heat shock proteins are a great example of this. Scientists first discovered these when heating the body. These proteins activate to protect the cells from the heat, and once activated, these proteins move around the body and correct other things such as infection, damaged cells, etc. (This is one reason why saunas are so beneficial.) As research continued, it was found that heat isn’t the only stress that activates heat shock proteins, and in fact, many different kinds of stress on the body can do the same thing.
How this relates to infection is that a healthy person can pick up a small amount of a foreign virus or other pathogen, and his or her body up-regulates its systems to fight off the virus or pathogen. Often, it can fight the invader off quite easily, and now the body can use these same activated systems to fight off other infections or stressors in the body that were already there before. So a new infection then allows the body to go after old infections and toxins that were already there.
It would be like police being called to the scene of a particular crime, and then while they are in the neighborhood, they decide to do something about some of the other low-level criminals who had been hanging around the place for years.
I bring this up, because in some people, especially people on the hair analysis program, catching a cold or flu can do the same thing. It may up-regulate your immune system in such a way that older infections will also be addressed and even old toxins may be dealt with. This can cause some prolonged infection-clearing symptoms or new strange symptoms as the infection progresses. Basically, catching a cold or flu may then lead to what we call healing reactions. This is actually a beneficial side effect of the cold or flu. This can often lead to confusion as to what is occurring, because the symptoms can be unusual or prolonged due to the other healing occurring, so again, contact me or Krissi as needed.
One final note is to remember that your body learns from infections, so even if you do catch a cold or flu, it will only result in a strengthening of your immune system. So there is no need to fear it. Just rest and follow the instructions above, and you’ll get through it.
I wish you abundant good health and happiness!