by Nikki Moses

I recently started using Purelife coffee for my own enemas and have found it to be superior to any other coffee I have tried for enemas. So I now carry it here in my office for my clients. It can be picked up here or shipped. I am including here the product info from the manufacturer and also instructions for the best way to prepare the coffee for use.

Per the manufacturer:

Purelife Coffee is different from store-bought coffee. Only the best from the top 3% of all coffees make it into the Purelife bag. It’s the purest coffee on the market. It is purchased and roasted from only Specialty Grade beans. This is a category all of its own which eliminates any chance of mold or fungus!

Purelife coffee is “air roasted” and not drum roasted. Drum roasting can cause burnt beans which the State of California – Prop 65 claims can be carcinogenic (cancer causing). The “Air Roast” method eliminates any and all possibility of burnt beans!

Purelife does not use low grade cheap beans or inorganic beans as fillers! The coffee is grown in South America, and not China. It is processed here in the USA and made fresh daily.

Smile when you see the USDA and OTCO labels on the coffee bags. What does this mean? For coffee to carry the USDA organic label, the beans must be grown on a certified organic farm; the importer and roaster must be certified organic as well. Notice the OTCO label. Purelife Coffee is certified 100% organic by Oregon Tilth, a leading certifier, educator and advocate for sustainable organic agriculture for over 40 years. Certification ensures the organic integrity of Purelife Coffee from origin to customer.

The Purelife blend of organic coffees are preferred by Healthcare Practitioners across the USA for their purity and high caffeine and palmitic acid. These  articular properties are sought out by coffee enema experts who are aware and know the benefits of these specialty grade coffees. They will only use Purellife Coffee.

Note: It is best to store coffee in a cool, dark place such as a cupboard.

Medium Roast – From the novice to the pro this is the most popular choice! Accepted by Gerson Institute for use by their patients. This coffee has a very natural yet powerful effect. Comes in a white bag.

Light Roast – More powerful than our medium roast. It is higher in caffeine and palmitic acid. Accepted by Gerson Institute for their patients. Preferred by those who want to go to the next highest coffee level. Comes in a gold bag.

Ultra-Light – The Strongest of all three Coffees. It is a Specialty Grade Gold Roast Coffee. It contains the highest level of caffeine and palmitic acid available of the three. Not recommended for the beginner but preferred by the advanced. Comes in a silver bag.

I personally use the Light Roast (the mid-strength one), because I’ve been doing enemas for over 15 years now. But when testing my clients here in the office using muscle response testing, almost all of my clients test for the mildest one, the Medium Roast. It tends to be stronger than typical coffee from the store and is a good one to start with and use long-term. You may never need to go up in strength to the Light Roast, although you may try it if you wish, especially after having done coffee enemas for a long time. But it is rare any of my clients test to use the Light Roast. I have never had a person test to use the strongest Ultra Light roast.

Pour 2 cups of distilled or purified water into a stainless steel or glass or ceramic pot. If this is your first time doing a coffee enema, add just a half a teaspoon of grinds. If you’ve already been doing enemas, add up to 2 tablespoons of Purelife coffee (use whatever dose you typically use of coffee or even less, since Purelife can be a little stronger than other coffees) and bring it to a boil. Boil for 3 to 5 minutes. Reduce heat to lowest setting and cover with a lid. Simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from stove and strain coffee. You may add water or ice to cool it and also to bring the solution up to 2 cups again. Do your enema as usual per our regular instructions.

If you do not have time for this full prep, you may boil it for 5 minutes and then use it. If you can let it simmer for even 5 or 10 minutes that is helpful. Basically, try to at least boil it for 5 minutes, and then if there is time to simmer it all, do that, too. You can also make the coffee the night before and store in the fridge.

Each bag contains 40 to 48 Tablespoons of coffee, so this is 20 to 24 full-strength enemas using 2 Tbs. each enema. If you use less coffee per enema, the bag will yield more coffee enemas proportionally.

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