Category Archives: Testimonials

I noticed that I wasn’t having all the random pains

(The following is from an email we received. She had not started the supplements yet except for a little kelp. It shows how much can be accomplished just from the correct water and diet based on a properly interpreted hair analysis.)

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It all started after I gave birth to my daughter.

My first thought was to check my health, so I went to my regular doctor. After doing all kinds of tests, she told me that I was healthy and just had anxiety problems and wanted to prescribe anti-depressant medications. After declining to take the medication, I left feeling helpless and hopeless. Nikki understood exactly how I was feeling, she seemed to know what I had, she made me feel like there was hope and that there was a way I could get rid of these problems. After finding out what was going on with me through a hair test, she put me on a nutritional program that started re-nourishing my body and cleansing my body of the extra copper and other toxins. After 5 months I felt like a different person…

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My daughter who suffers from hyperthyroidism (Grave’s disease)

At that time doctors wanted to remove her thyroid, but we decided to try a nutritional approach. I was so impressed with the results that she obtained over the first few months on the Nutritional Balancing program that I also began the program because I am a long time sufferer from hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s).

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After almost 30 years of suffering

After almost 30 years of suffering, I am finally getting well. Thanks to the program that Dr. Wilson and Nikki Moses put me on. I suffered with heart palpitations, shortness of breath, skin rashes, constipation, allergies, severe neck pain. In the last 8 years, I have seen multiple alternitive medicine doctors, with no results…

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