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All About Nutritional Balancing – Interview with Nikki Moses

Wendy Myers interviews Nikki Moses about using hair mineral analysis to view a person’s unique body chemistry and determine the exact combinations of nutrients that are needed to bring balance to the body, so it can heal itself. No matter how healthfully you eat or take care of yourself, you CANNOT achieve true health in today’s toxic and nutrient-deficient world unless you properly mineralize your body and balance your body chemistry.

For an audio-only mp3 version of the above recording, click here


All About Near Infrared Saunas – Interview with Nikki Moses

For an audio-only mp3 version of the above recording, click here


All About Coffee Enemas – Interview with Nikki Moses

Audio-only recording:


Medical Labels Lie

Nikki Moses reads an article by Dr. L. Wilson about misconceptions about the current state of the medical industry


How to Handle Heat-Induced Symptoms using Salt and Potassium


Low-Sugar Veggie Shake for General Health!


Toxin Overview: Releasing and Got Rid of


How to Use the Hair Sample Scale Included In the Sampling Kit


How to Cut a Hair Sample on Medium-Length or Long Hair for an Initial Test


How to Cut a Hair Sample on Medium-Length or Long Hair for a Retest


How to Cut a Hair Sample on Short Hair


How to Assemble An Enema Bottle


How to Cook Millet


For more information:
Call (818) 745-9558 or Email using the form below.

NOTE: Nutritional Balancing Science and Hair Mineral Analysis do not diagnose, treat or cure any diseases, and are not substitutes for standard medical care. Nikki Moses is not a medical doctor. She operates as an unlicensed nutritional consultant only. None of the statements on this site have been evaluated by the FDA. Nothing on this site is intended to discourage anyone from seeking or following the advice of a medical doctor.

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