Q: What is Nutritional Balancing?

Nutritional Balancing Science is a comprehensive system of body chemistry analysis that utilizes a unique way of combining nutrients to correct imbalances and deficiencies in the complex mineral makeup of the human body. Each person is different, and this system allows us to design individualized programs to enhance the body chemistry as a whole in order to restore the body’s own healing mechanisms. This is an entirely nutrition-based program (non-medical), based on a properly performed and interpreted hair mineral analysis. This form of hair analysis is unique to Nutritional Balancing, and is not the same as other forms of hair analysis. Once an analysis is properly done, we know what exact nutrients to give the body to support the strengthening of weakened functions, the rebuilding of tissues and the raising of energy which allows the body to heal itself, detoxify heavy metals, infections, chemicals, and other functional inhibitors. It was initially developed by Dr. Paul Eck, D.N. and further developed by Dr. Lawrence Wilson, M.D. who now oversees the training of Nutritional Balancing specialists around the world. Nutritional Balancing Science is the result of over 40 years of research correlating Hair Mineral Analysis results to conditions in the body and their relation to minerals, vitamins, diet, etc. This research resulted in astounding advancements in decoding the complex ways in which minerals interrelate (whereby a change in one mineral level in the body necessarily creates changes in numerous other mineral levels).

Q: What will my custom Nutritional Balancing Program include?

Ms. Moses will provide a detailed, personalized consultation for you explaining your program recommendations and how to understand your results. This can be done in person, or by phone or SKYPE. You will also receive a packet of written materials that provide additional information relating to the hair mineral analysis and a detailed description of your healing program. You will receive:

1) A full educative explanation of your analysis results.
2) Suggestions for an individualized diet with comments on your current food and water intake and the changes that we recommend.
3) Specific nutritional supplementation and product suggestions designed around your specific body chemistry. We will also go over any supplements you are currently taking as listed on the information forms you fill out. Please note that we do not recommend stopping any medication without first consulting the prescribing physician. This would be irresponsible, especially since stopping medication can be dangerous if not supervised.
4) Lifestyle modifications, including how much rest and sleep to obtain, exercise, sunshine, relaxation and more depending on your situation.
5) A cleansing and detoxification program that may include sauna therapy, colon cleansing and other methods of reducing the toxic load of the body.
6) Recommendations for any additional health protocols such as chiropractic care. It may also include recommendations for obtaining other types of medical care through your doctor if we feel these would be helpful.
7) An Additional Interpretation Report that contains a lot of additional interpretive data. It includes an extra 15 or more pages of interpretation data about your report, including disease trends, an explanation of the stress theory of disease and much more.

Q: How do I get my hair analysis results and Nutritional Balancing Program recommendations?

We will send you your written program information by e-mail. You will then have a detailed, personalized consultation explaining your test results and program recommendations. This can be done in person, or by phone or SKYPE.

Q: How long will it take for me to get my hair analysis results and Nutritional Balancing Program recommendations?

The whole process takes about three weeks from when you send in your hair to when you receive your program information (plus postage time if mailing internationally).

Q: Vitamins and supplements tend to upset my stomach. What should I do?

We find that many people who have had trouble taking supplements prior to starting with us tolerate our supplements much better. This is due in part to the quality of our products, but even more so, to the fact that we are providing nutrients designed for your specific body chemistry in the correct combinations for you. If you have a history of trouble taking supplements, we do recommend that you start our supplements slowly by taking reduced doses at first to see if you tolerate them well. You may even have to take only part of a tablet or capsule at first (for example, one- quarter or one-half of the tablet). And be sure to take all supplements with food. Ideally, you can work them in so that you are taking a couple bites of food, then one of your supplements. Then a couple more bites of food, then another one of your supplements. Also, some hard pills can be easier on the stomach if you crush them first, using a pill crusher, a mortar and pestle, or any other method you can. Zinc is one of the most common nutrients that causes an upset stomach and must be taken with sufficient food. If even small doses of the supplements cause an upset stomach, try taking only one of the supplements at a time to see which one is causing the problem (for example, just take the calcium/magnesium product that day and try another one the next) and then let Ms. Moses know what you discover. It is important you do not make permanent changes to your supplements without first discussing it with Ms. Moses. She has a lot of experience dealing with supplement sensitivities and will advise you on how best to proceed. We want to make sure your program stays balanced, so she will make adjustments accordingly to support your progress on the program. You will probably find that, in time, you will become more able to take supplements as your body heals. The more closely you can follow the program, the faster your progress will be.

Q: Can the Nutritional Balancing Program help me lose weight?

Yes, weight-loss in those who are over-weight is a common benefit of this program. However, it is important to know that this program is not designed specifically as a weight-loss program; it is designed to support the optimization of metabolism and body chemistry. As such, most people who follow the dietary and nutrient suggestions of this program find their weight optimizing. Most people who are over-weight are able to lose weight easily as they progress. In some cases, it takes a little time to start losing weight, and you can feel free to contact Ms. Moses for further assistance if you want to lose weight faster. In a few instances, some people will gain up to a few pounds in the beginning of the program, but this is usually water weight and is lost again once the person is properly hydrated.

Q: I started this program and am now experiencing symptoms I can’t explain. What’s happening?

These are most likely what we call “Healing Reactions.” Don’t worry! Healing reactions are good and are expected to occur on this program. You can find out about common healing reactions, how to handle them and a lot more information on our Healing Reactions page, and feel free to contact us for assistance.

Q: How long will it take until I start feeling better?

This depends entirely on the individual’s level of deficiencies, toxicity and his or her inherent strength, as well as other factors such as toxicity in the environment, lifestyle, stress levels, how well he or she does the program, and a few others. Some people experience symptom relief in the first week; others take months before their symptoms start to subside.

Q: I’ve been on the program for a while, and I feel much better! But why are my repeat analyses showing little change?

There are many reasons for this but the three most common are (in no particular order):

1) A Hair Mineral Analysis (hair analysis) measures the amount of certain minerals and toxic minerals (heavy metals) being expelled by the body through the hair. There are many factors that are toxic to the body which don’t show up on the hair analysis, including toxic chemicals, radiation and drugs (which store in fat cells), parasites and other infections. When we give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to heal itself (according the the hair analysis), in the proper balance, your immune system and energy levels are strengthened. The body will correct what it views as the priority at that moment. If you have any of those other factors (chemicals, radiation, infections, etc.) and your body views it as a major cause of ill-health in your body, it may choose to detoxify that factor before tackling other problems that would appear on the hair analysis. So your body may be getting rid of a HUGE immune system suppressor, for example, something that is directly or indirectly effecting many of your symptoms, but it may not show up on the hair analysis right away.

2) The second most common reason is that you may have certain toxic minerals (heavy metals) that tell your body to push out certain minerals through your hair, even when your body is actually deficient in that mineral! When you start to detoxify those heavy metals, your body can start to actually use those deficient minerals that it was previously pushing out through the hair. This means that the next hair analysis may register LESS of those minerals, even though you’ve been heavily supplementing those minerals. Even though the hair analysis shows a lower level of those minerals, it doesn’t mean that you actually have less in your body; it just means that your body is now using those minerals instead of pushing it out through your hair.

3) The third most common reason is that you have either done a new analysis too early to see a recent change in your body, or that you have done it too late. Hair grows about half an inch per month. For example, if you had heavy metals dump two months before you cut your sample, and you provide a hair sample that is the half-inch closest to your scalp, you won’t see the toxic metals that dumped two months ago in the hair analysis. Conversely, if you finally started replenishing a deficient mineral two weeks ago, there might not be enough evidence of it in your most recent hair analysis. In either situation, an experienced practitioner will be able to put you on the right supplements to continue your healing journey.

The complexity of reading these patterns is why it’s important to have someone like Ms. Moses who has the training and experience to interpret levels, patterns, trends and symptoms so that you can really know what’s going on in your body. It takes years of working with repeat hair mineral analyses to fully understand these changes.

Q: Why do I have to do repeat hair analyses after my initial Hair Mineral Analysis? And how often do I have to do them?

There are various reasons why it is critical to consistently screen the mineral content and balance of hair every 3-6 months. The most important reason is to make sure that the supplements and diet you are on are still correct for you and are still moving you in the right direction. A proper Nutritional Balancing Program will change your body chemistry and will uncover deeper layers of toxicity and imbalances. This deeper layer often requires different supplementation than what you have been taking. The only way to know if a deeper layer has been exposed and what supplement changes, if any, are required is to do a new hair analysis. After one continues on the program for a while, repeat analyses are required less and less frequently because the mineral levels start to stabilize.

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